Rechner Architects - Providing maximum spatial for Autism Center
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Providing maximum spatial for Autism Center

Rechner Architects

Education  /  Completed
Rechner Architects

Autism Center was designed and built to provide maximum spatial, functional and quality standard for education of children of autistic spectre.

Concept was to divide cubic form, usual form of educational buildings, into small volumes according to function. While the building is located next to busy street, indrawn volumes covered with translucent glass are enabling additional noise protection. Colors used on facade are according to colors of autism.

Building was designed and built as high energy efficient and sustainable. Materials and equipment used in exterior and interior are durable, user-friendly and easy to maintaine.
Functionally, Center has special classrooms, cabinets, terapeutic swimming pool, music, art and sport classrooms, quiet room, water room, sensor room, kitchen, dining room, multi-purpose hall etc. All sort of light, acoustic, fragrance and tactile effects are used to enable custom-made therapy for every child.

According to reached standard in this building, city of Osijek turned into national reference leader.

Autism Center was designed with emotions for children's emotions.


A r c h i t e c t u r a l o f f i c e: Rechner d.o.o.
A d d r e s s: Gornjodravska obala 90b
P o s t c o d e: 31000
C i t y: Osijek
C o u n t r y: Croatia
T e l e p h o n e n u m b er: +385 31 283 287
E - m a i l a d d r e s s o f t h e c o m p a n y: [email protected]
A r c h i t e c t s: Predrag Rechner, architect & Bruno Rechner, architect
C o l l a b o r a t o r: Robert Ticic
P r o j e c t y e a r: 2016.

P r o j e c t n a m e: Autism Center
A d d r e s s o f t h e p r o j e c t: Vinkovacka cesta 3
P o s t c o d e: 31000
C i t y: Osijek
C o u n t r y: Croatia
G P S c o o r d i n a t e s – N: 45*33'12"
G P S c o o r d i n a t e s – E: 18*40'36"
C l i e n t: Skola za osposobljavanje i obrazovanje Vinko Bek
C o n t r a c t o r: Zuber d.o.o.
N e t f l o o r a r e a: 1.490m2
G r o s s f l o o r a r e a: 1.810m2
S i t e a r e a: 2.208m2
B u i l d i n g c o s t: 2.000.000€
C o m p l e t i o n: 2019.

P h o t o: Romulic & Stojcic


 Skola za osposobljavanje i obrazovanje Vinko Bek
 1810 mq
 Bruno Rechner, architect & Predrag Rechner, architect
 Robert Ticic, collaborator
 Zuber d.o.o.
 Romulic & Stojcic


Architectural office:
RECHNER d.o.o.
Gornjodravska obala 90b
31000 Osijek, Croatia
Predrag Rechner, architect
Bruno Rechner, architect

Company Rechner d.o.o. Osijek was founded in the year 1991. Main activity is architectural design, consulting, engineering and design.

Our projects have been exhibited and presented to both, domestic and international exhibitions and magazines, result of which is the first prize awarded ten times in different architectural competitions. Numerous students and architects visit our realizations for professional training and study of contemporary architecture.

We have been nominated or awarded fifteen times on various international architectural awards and events, all over the world. From Singapore, Slovenia, USA, Turkey, Italy, Spain to India.

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