archi5 and Tecnova Architecture - La Fontaine sports complex - Antony
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La Fontaine sports complex - Antony

archi5 and Tecnova Architecture

Sport&Leisure  /  Completed
archi5 and Tecnova Architecture
Building this sport center is a response to the strong political will for a new urban ambition for this neighborhood. The context is mixed with linear apartment blocks on one side and the park’s exceptional planted heritage on the other.
It is a new focal point to come together, meet and stage sport activities and other events.
The project includes a clearly-defined theme (nature) for individuals and for everyone. It is translated as much by form as function, visible in all aspects of the building and on all scales.
The building takes the area’s vocabulary into account and complements the urban development by injecting a new impulse to the setting. It becomes an attractive landmark for residents on a scale with the neighborhood.
The project uses mystery to sharpen curiosity and desire. It is in the choice of this mineral shape as a big multi-facetted monolith, i.e. a mysterious, precious stone planted in the landscape that contrasts yet harmonizes with the setting. This magnetic structure is framed by greenery like a gold nugget.
It is a landscape from which the urban signal of the climbing room emerges. The building is one with the green environment and stands out from the neighboring buildings. Here, nature is not expressed by plants, i.e. no plant cover that would have not fit the scale and pointless in the plant context of the venue. Its unusualness gives it its identity, its landmark status.
In this new landscape a central gap gives onto Bièvre Valley and clearly separates the two poles of the sport center, guaranteeing natural light in the gymnasiums and concourses. This gap is like a canyon, playing on the building’s scale. It is an invitation to solve the riddle of the precious rock and primes the subtle permeability between the interior with the exterior. It is the key to a closer reading of the building that reveals its transparency as one approaches it.
The sport center is structured by a play of transparencies and visual vents, which fudge the borders between the outside and the inside where surrounding nature is ever present. The openings are framed and highlight remarkable elements on inside and out. The orientations are selected for the sporting activity.
The analogy with nature is not just a formal one. It is deeply grounded in the building’s structure by the choice of noble, integral materials which will only improve with time.
The skin is composed of a copper, aluminum and tin alloy. It will not rust, will keep its bronze color and will take on a more matted sheen with age.


 City of Antony
 5200 mq
 archi5 & Tecnova architecture
 Incet / DVVD / Tisseyre & Associés / Florence Mercier
 Sergio Grazia


archi5 was founded in 2003, the fruit of its founders’ common experience and the approach they share to architecture.
A context-based approach to projects is key : the site, the program, the social and cultural challenges are all examined, analyzed and compared. These data are then transformed into questions.
The projects offer a dynamic and comprehensive response to those issues to the highest standard that has come to be archi5’s trademark.
This approach is visible, legible in every building. It confers meaning and form and is perceptible in the projects’ applications, spaces and environmental impact. It is the essence of our confidence in architecture, its capacity to enhance humankinds’ environment.
The agency uses its acumen and know-how to instill this ethos throughout and to guarantee its continuity. archi5 has a staff of 40 working near Paris. Establishing strategic links with the best technical partners and expert consultants the agency further develops its skills.


TECNOVA ARCHITECTURE is an architecture and urban planning agency based at 12 rue Pestalozzi in Paris created in 1985.
Its activities are equally divided between housing, public facilities (sports, cultural, educational, medico-social), shops, tertiary activities and leisure hotels.
In the area of housing, TECNOVA ARCHITECTURE supports programs in home ownership and social rental, in nine or in rehabilitation with special specialization in the elevation of existing buildings.
TECNOVA ARCHITECTURE provides architectural and urban planning assignments with a perfect mastery, both in the field of design and for the management of works.

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