Andrea Vattovani Architecture ZT GmbH - Pebble
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Andrea Vattovani Architecture ZT GmbH

Housing  /  Future
Andrea Vattovani Architecture ZT GmbH
Limassol is a beautiful city, a place which attracts world-wide interest because of its great climate with warm and dry summer and very mild winter, which are separated by short spring and autumn which are generally pleasant and warm. While looking for inspiration for the project we reminded ourselves on the wonderful moments of freedom as a child when we used to just sit and play with pebbles on the beach and build towers out of them. We decided to try and translate this memory into an architectural language fitting for Limassol to create a building which fits the geographical and cultural landscape of Limassol.

We believe that someone who decides to buy a property in the “Pebble” wants to see something powerful, beautiful and experience this sense of freedom straight out of the comfort of his or her flat in front of the open sea.

The seemingly complicated building is developed to maximize the sellable area while at the same time creating a “wow” effect. The main part of the building is thought as a steel/concrete core with the balcony as a light steel structure that cantilevers and metaphorically brings you closer to the sea.

The building is meant to appear white with a ventilated façade made out of light fibre concrete panels. The main access to the building is the internal core, bringing light from the top down and creating a patio trough all the floors. This area is an enjoyable naturally lit area with greenery on the walls to enjoy the vertical movement in the building.

Although the building footprint is quite unconventional the flats are very flexible, we showed several options but basically with our main form and area is it possible to create three main versions of it. Duplex, or the penthouse or eventually bigger if a client wants to combine two level together, simplex with one apartment per floor or with two apartments per floor. Especially the version with one apartment per floor is very flexible with the possibility to create several very functional layouts.

The railing becomes part of the building and constantly adapts to fit the pools and greenery. This can also be adjusted to client’s preferences. Basically, on the side of the building the railing always becomes a huge plant pot in order to achieve greenery on the façade which will cool the building and create an enjoyable climate. The greenery is meant to have an integrated irrigation system to keep it alive and beautiful throughout the whole year even if the owner is away for a longer period of time.

The terraces themselves will provide shadows on the other flats to have an cooler interior climate during the hot summer without the need of extreme air conditioning. All flats are meant to be opened in two or more position in order to circulate the air an improve the quality of living.

The grey water is meant to be saved and filtered for automated irrigation of the garden in order to produce naturally cooled areas, it is important that under the building not all the area is plastered or covered in concrete since the heat would “hit” back the floors above.
The very generous windows are meant to be realized with quantum glass to provide better climate control of the building during hot days or when the sun is low and hits the interior directly. Across the glass façade the curtains provide additional support to the solar-control glass to protect the interior in the hottest moments.

The main design element is coherently recognizable trough all of the building and its parts, the pebble shape can be found as one entire floor element but also in other smaller elements of the building like the staircase of the mezzanine, the landscape design with all the elements around the building to create, besides a beautiful element, a highly recognizable icon.

The ground floor entrance level is meant to create a place to sit and enjoy the outdoors, the sea and the “Pebble” experience before or after leaving it. Some gazebos, in the same pebble form, are positioned very smart to achieve resting space in the shadows, maybe while your wait your neighbour to go and enjoy the city of Limassol together. It is optional to implement the gazebos with “CSEM” white solar panels in order to produce the energy for the ground floor and façade lighting of the building. With all of this elements combined the “Pebble” is sure to provide an unforgettable living experience.


 Masharii, The Land
 5500 mq
 Andrea Vattovani
 Igor Kolonic, Mario Keusch, Laura Chromecek, Agnieszka Jeleniewska
 IDDQD Studio, AVA


Andrea Vattovani Architecture (AVA) is an award winning studio specialized in architecture, urbanism, design and research. It has already developed over 100 projects and competitions in locations around the globe. The Graz based studio has worked on a variety of projects, each one having been developed with particular attention to its individual case, while holding on to AVA’s mission. Specifically, we believe that as planners and designers of urban projects and buildings, we have the responsibility to improve the city’s quality through creating real solutions. More generally, some of the key strategies of our team are creative reduction of form, meticulous attention to detail, and always achieving a noble architectural design with a strong focus on functionality and accurate response to site surrounding.

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#Mentioned #Residential Building - Complex  #Fiberglass finished concrete  #Andrea Vattovani Architecture  #Cyprus  #Steel frame  #Limassol 

© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054