Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP - BBVA Bancomer Operations Center
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BBVA Bancomer Operations Center

Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP

Office&Business  /  Completed
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP
BBVA Bancomer’s state-of-the-art Operations Center is an architectural landmark in Mexico City’s resurgent Parques Polanco neighborhood. Located on a corner adjacent to a verdant open space, the 130-meter building will be a key component of BBVA’s operational infrastructure and international profile.

The Operation Center’s architecture and massing is rooted in Mexico City’s urban character of chaotic vitality punctuated by pockets of gardens that provide unexpected respite. The facility is conceived neither as a single large mass nor as a group of disconnected boxes, but rather as a bundle of vertical volumes shifted at their intersections to create points of articulation. As the volumes rise to different heights, a series of cascading roof gardens weaves through the composition. The building’s lively tectonic character establishes a sense of scale and visual dynamism that adds to the area’s walkability and creates an interior environment conducive to productivity.

The 154,000-square-meter facility reimagines BBVA’s work environment for the 21st century. The design accommodates the transformation of the company’s operational structure from a traditional, hierarchical model to a more horizontal, collaborative organization. Atriums and communicating stairs extend vertically through the flexible office space, lending variety and connectivity to the work environment. Conceived as a “vertical city,” the facility features cafeterias, lounges, outdoor terraces, and meeting spaces that reinforce a sense of community among BBVA’s employees.

The creation of a new identity and set of standards to generate a highly performative workplace not only conveys the core brand ideas of the Institution, but also allows it to serve its clients more effectively, thus amplifying opportunities for growth. Despite the high standard under which the facility was developed, the cost of the investment was strictly maintained. A comparative analysis utilizing the lease of a newly-constructed office building nearby grants the BBVA a cost saving of 28.88% within a 10-year period.

The BBVA invested heavily in community development, including illuminated, paved bicycle and pedestrian paths, sewer enhancements, electrical grid reinforcements, and 355 donated trees, with investments totaling $8.6 million. With a host of energy- and water-saving features, the project exemplifies responsible corporate citizenship by supporting Mexico City’s efforts to curb energy consumption, air pollution, and wastewater management. At the forefront of sustainable design, the building is anticipated to receive LEED Gold certification.


 Mexico City
 154000 mq
 Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP
 Gary Haney


BBVA’s new layout provides 2.45 square meters of open outdoor space for each employee, seamlessly integrated into various moments of the building’s design. The facility also provides a subsidized meal plan with a full service cafeteria to all employees. This not only significantly reduces the number of BBVA’s 5,100 employees that leave the building during lunch time, which would otherwise provide serious traffic-flow concerns, but also serves to increase internal revenue and further highlight the building as a fully developed ecosystem. The creation of a new identity and set of standards to generate a highly performative workplace not only conveys the core brand ideas of the Institution, but also allows it to serve its clients more effectively. A comparative analysis utilizing the lease of a newly-constructed office building nearby grants the BBVA a cost saving of 28.88% within a 10-year period.

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