Cristofori Santi Architetti - Portraits of life
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Portraits of life

Cristofori Santi Architetti

Interior  /  Completed
Cristofori Santi Architetti
The stand concept has been developed for various exhibitions - in Europe, the US and China - of the DuPont Surfaces division of US company DuPont de Nemours, more precisely for their Corian® brand.

Some series of their new semi-finished Corian® products, combined with work surfaces made with Corian®, were set in interior environments of strong personality in order to: display the expressive capabilities and the versatility of Corian®; communicate the design possibilities offered by Corian®; underline the freedom to design spaces tailored to personal tastes.

Several series of these moods were studied to display basins, bathtubs, shower trays, kitchen worktops and backsplashes and the related Corian® elements, different in shapes and colors.

These series had to be able to communicate with customers from all over the world, focusing especially on clients from Europe, the US and Asia, and to reach different tastes and lifestyles, suggesting at the same time the idea of the refined and elegant world to which this product has always been related.

The pre-set interiors displayed several different designs, from rustic homes styles to more elegant urban apartments styles, to a series of interior environments furnished following a clear 1950s imprint or concept designs built using a fusion between classic architecture and more contemporary furniture.

Our work followed the whole process, starting from the selection of the different pre-set designs that were to be used during the exhibitions to the study of the shooting locations and to the collaboration with a prop stylist who prepared the spaces for the shooting. All the mood boards, drawings and sketches were developed in order to help finding the ideal setting for the shooting.

The versatility of Corian® was then clearly showed through a sequence of different interiors whose aim was that of creating an actual storytelling about the product.

The kitchen series, for example, showed several kinds of interiors, like the Contemporary Rustic, in which a dark granular version of Corian® was used, or the Cosmopolitan Chic, where a glacier white version of Corian® was matched with a jet-black starry shaded version of Corian®, and many others.

The basin series showed different kinds of interiors as well, from a Vintage Romantic bathroom, where a Corian® glacier white tone basin was perfectly integrated in a space showing a vintage wallpaper and a hardwood flooring, to an Industrial Loft kind of environment where Corian® could fully display its adaptability by being used for a basin in which the main white part was encased in a shell made of dark colored Corian®.

The white Corian® bathtubs displayed, in their external part, the new Corian® collection, specifically created to evoke more natural kinds of environments through the use of veined textures and of a wide range of colors. In this case, the different designs also showed the adaptability of Corian® to spaces that might include many different decorative tastes.

The wide range of possibilities of customization provided by Corian® is well visible in the interiors represented in the photos.


 Dupont - Corian
 100 mq
 Cristofori Santi Architetti
 Giacomo Cristofori, Marialisa Santi, Tamara Aeri, Silvia Bertacco, Giuseppe Romano, Anna Casera
 Riccardo Bianchi


The studio Cristofori Santi Architetti was founded on a partnership dating back to 2005. Its core services are architecture for private clients and companies, interior and retail design. It has carried out and is currently involved in numerous projects in Europe and in China where the studio has been working since 2008. Down the years the practice has developed its range of services for private concerns and companies with projects which are a blend of creativity, pragmatism and simplicity, always placing the emphasis on attention to detail, research, artisan support and excellence in communications.

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#Shortlisted #Italy  #Milan  #Residence  #Corian  #Cristofori Santi Architetti 

© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054