Sens student residence in Marseille, elegant living at its finest
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Sens student residence in Marseille, elegant living at its finest

The housing project gracefully compliments the landscape utilizing architectural best practices

Atelier Stéphane Fernandez

Sens student residence in Marseille, elegant living at its finest
By Redazione The Plan -

Atelier Stéphane Fernandez has designed Sens student residence in Marseille, a profound portfolio project that provides elegant living. Located in the town center, at the entrance to the new Euroméditerranée district, the complex forms the juncture between the city, its hills and its new park.


Sens student residence. Intimate yet inviting

The monolithic building includes 84 units of social housing for students and an apartment for the guardian. The new landmark serves as a much-needed addition for the community as well as to the historic city and new Parc Urbain d’Euroméditerranée. In addition to the private spaces, there is a multi-purpose hall as well as a public link that connects the entrance to the Parc Urbain d’Euroméditerranée with an elevator. The structure pronounces the entrance to the park and the monumental stair leads the visitor to the Fernand Pouillon Library. The resultant shared urban spaces promote social activity. The limestone facade with punched narrow openings of the student residence are an expression of Sens’ intimate yet inviting character. At the same time, thanks to broad embrasures, windows allow natural light to penetrate the entire apartment.


Location: Marseille
Area: 2,500 m²
Project by Atelier Stéphane Fernandez

Photography by We are Content(s), courtesy Atelier Stéphane Fernandez 

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