Life residential district
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Life residential district

5+1AA Alfonso Femia Gianluca Peluffo

Life residential district
By Redazione The Plan -

The “Life” neighbourhood lies just outside Brescia’s city walls, interacting with the old centre through the balanced use of solids and voids to create new public spaces, walkways and urban elevations. 

The design by 5+1AA Alfonso Femia, Gianluca Peluffo arranges the buildings around the edges of the space, marking out an urban park divided into three theme zones: trees, playground and waterpark. 

The latest technology, energy efficient materials, plentiful glazing and 2.90 m high ceilings all combine to produce excellent thermal, sound and light performance for these class-A apartments, ensuring living comfort. 

The choices of claddings and finishings merge materials and colours to give an articulated, vibrant feel in which porcelain stoneware, wood, paint and fibre cement alternate to produce different material and light effects. 

Marmi Faedo’s Grolla marble was selected to pave the common areas, external walkways and apartment balconies, and for the windowsills, doorsteps and stair cladding. This true natural marble (98% calcium carbonate) is quarried in the Vicenza province in northern Italy and comes in a range of colour hues and finishes. In this case, Grolla Beige in two finishes was selected: acid-etched for the floors and external steps; brushed for the internal stairs, doorsteps and sills. 

The technical and mechanical properties of this material allow it to be used in areas where the temperature drops well below zero. Grolla marble is resistant to pollution in damp conditions and salt crystallisation. 


Marmi Faedo

Via Monte Cimone, 13 - I - 36073 Cornedo (VI)

Tel. +39 0445 953081 - Fax +39 0445 952889

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