Life Source
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Life Source

Comfort and Energy Savings in the Hospitality Industry

Leonardo Togni Architects

Life Source
By Redazione The Plan -

A new-concept hospitality venue, Life Source recently opened in Bergamo, having been designed by Leonardo Togni Architects in a delightful part of the upper old city, with a garden extending for about 5,900 sq. m. The venue has three distinct parts: Life Hotel, with 126 rooms, Life Source Food Experience, including the Le Terre gourmet restaurant, the Onda bistro and the Atmosfere rooftop, and the MediSpa fitness and wellness center.

Throughout the complex, with evidently different needs because of the multiple types of environments, Mitsubishi Electric systems were used for the air conditioning because they guaranteed the necessary comfort for such elite spaces, but also low energy consumption, running costs and CO2 emissions.

The rooms are served by a direct expansion (DX) variable refrigerant volume (VRV) heat pump system that quickly brings the environment to the optimal comfort level, an aspect that has particular importance in the hospitality industry.

In the communal parts of the complex, “multi-purpose” hydronic heat pump units are used, as they can provide heating and cooling independently at the same time. The heating or cooling is then distributed to the individual rooms using a series of hydronic fan coils. A part of the heat from these multi-purpose units is also used to power the very high temperature water-to-water heat pumps for the spa and swimming pool.

To guarantee optimal air quality, with proper air exchange and renewal, a series of treatment units with cross-flow heat recovery is used, with suitably powerful filtration systems. The Clima Pro management and monitoring system is what runs the entire air conditioning system, optimizing individual machine operation according to building requirements at that time. This focus on technological innovation and a green footprint also underlies other choices for this complex and the installations, such as the photovoltaic system, the aluminum and glass façade with improved thermal and acoustic insulation, the ventilated façade made with ceramic slabs and the automation system. The combined effect of these choices was central to Life Source earning LEED Gold certification.

Via Colleoni, 7 - I - 20864 Agrate Brianza (MB)
Tel. +39 039 60531
E-mail: [email protected] -

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