Campus Humanitas: Custom acoustic comfort
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Campus Humanitas: Custom acoustic comfort

Filippo Taidelli Architetto

Campus Humanitas: Custom acoustic comfort
By Redazione The Plan -

Located in the small municipality of Pieve Emanuele to the south of Milan, the Humanitas Research Hospital is a highly specialized facility, research center and university teaching venue. For the international Medical, Surgery, Nursing and Physiotherapy school located adjacent to the hospital, Filippo Taidelli designed a new 25 thousand sq. m complex with three buildings centered on a green courtyard that merges into to the large surrounding park. The project includes educational areas, offices, research laboratories, a canteen, a library and communal areas specifically envisaged to encourage informal interdisciplinary gatherings and the consequent exchange of ideas. Since the brief sought excellent acoustic comfort, Fantoni was approached to help with the acoustic elements of the shared spaces, including the meeting and conference rooms, classrooms, lecture theaters, corridors and hybrid spaces, all united by the simultaneous presence of many people. Fantoni subsequently supplied 4,000 sq. m of cladding from its 4akustik system, but with customized textures and decorations that required highly skilled work, including 1.2 mm milling. 4akustik is a wood-based, sound-absorbent system that is ideally used when demanding performance levels are required for health, safety and security. The system meets the JIS F4 star standard, certified by the Japanese government and widely seen as the world’s most stringent standard because of the low levels of formaldehyde accepted. It is also the only wood-based, sound-absorbing panel with a class B-s1 d0 (EC classification) fire rating. 4akustik provided a sustainable solution that met the required technical standards, while creating a look that was ideal for one of Europe’s cutting-edge university campuses: calm, yet also lively and elegant.


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