The playful Jeanette301 apartment complex in Santa Ana, California
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The playful Jeanette301 apartment complex in Santa Ana, California. Creates community

Varying fenestration + creatively designed interior/exterior spaces

Lorcan O'Herlihy Architects - LOHA

The playful Jeanette301 apartment complex in Santa Ana, California
By Redazione The Plan -

The five-story Jeanette301 apartment complex houses 182 units. The architects Lorcan O’Herlihy Architects (LOHA) (Design Architects) William Hezmalhalch Architects [WHA] (Executive Architects) strategically situated the structure on its 2.1 acres site in Santa Ana, California.

A multitude of amenities

The massing is ruggedly carved to promote the connection of circulation patterns, interconnected courtyards and framed glimpses of exterior and interior spaces. Greenery from the courtyards extend to the streetscape providing a stark contrast to the dense complex. The community of studios and common spaces promote a sense of collaboration amongst the residents and their guests.

Unique character

Playfully placed fenestrations of varying sizes pierce the cement-panel treatment of the exterior facade. Additionally, large extractions of the form conjure a sense of depth with their resultant shade and shadow. The local context of higher education institutions and a medical center is complemented by the unique character of Jeanette301.

Location: Santa Ana, California    
Completed: 2018
Site: 2.1 acres site
Floor area: 315,316 SF floor area
Architects: Lorcan O’Herlihy Architects (LOHA) (Design Architects) William Hezmalhalch Architects [WHA]
Project Team: Lorcan O’Herlihy Architects [LOHA] (Design Architect), William Hezmalhalch Architects [WHA] (Executive Architect), Psomas (Structural Engineering), Nova Structures (Civil Engineering), AHBE Landscape Architects (Landscape), OMB Engineers (Electrical), and KMA Consulting (M&P)
Photos by: Paul Vu

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