The Sacred Heart Basilica is in the heart of Grenoble, not far from the railway station. Construction began on the structure in the 1920s, although the original design was never quite completed as planned. Recent restoration work sought to improve the liturgical and public spaces in an effort to make the church more accessible to the locals. The design was the work of Pierre Douillet, for the architecture, and L’Agence Lumière for the lighting, which plays a fundamental role in both natural and artificial forms. New stained glass windows filter the natural light from outside, while for the artificial light, Targetti products were chosen as they allowed the designers to achieve the desired levels of advanced technology and versatility of use. The new lighting system only uses LED devices and was planned, on one hand, to cut the use of artificial light to a minimum in daylight hours and, on the other, to ensure plenty of flexibility so different lighting could be used in accordance with the occasion. It was also important to protect the light sensitive art. For the direct lighting from the nave, Cloud adjustable projectors were installed in the ceiling, 26 m up. Other Cloud projectors were integrated into specifically created wall lamps, chosen in close cooperation with the lighting designers, and provide indirect lighting. For the side aisles, the upper sections of the basilica and the area below the gallery, the choice fell on the dual suspension CctLed Tube devices. Once again, the chosen solution was carefully studied to ensure it met the lighting requirements precisely. CctLed Architectural and Downlights were chosen, respectively, to light the large conference room and the corridors in the office area, adding a sense of uniformity to the entire lighting project without detracting from the lighting in the various different areas.
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