Iskra-Park Business Center
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Iskra-Park Business Center

Beehives and Transparency

SPEECH Tchoban & Kuznetsov

Iskra-Park Business Center
By Redazione The Plan -

The old Frunze Central Aerodrome off Leningradsky Prospekt in Moscow has given way, in the Iskra Park section, to a dynamic new architectural complex that occupies a large swathe of the 2.8 hectares of the old airfield. The latest addition was completed in 2019 and forms the third part of the architectural triad of the AO MKB Iskra building, a residential complex divided into ten sections of varying heights and an office block. The latter is the newest feature, designed by the renowned architecture practice SPEECH. The arrangement of complex shapes and transparent structures imbues the façade with an incredible dynamism, and it was the result of work by, among others, ST Facade Technology, which is part of the Russian-based Velko Group.

The business center has a crystalline front in which three-dimensional cellular shapes hint at the lines of a beehive, perhaps with slightly elongated hexagons.

This immediately thrusts the building into an edgy dialogue with the adjacent structures, where more traditional local architectural styles can be seen.

Creating this complicated building envelope required close cooperation between the design department at the SPEECH architecture practice, and technical experts from the Velko Group and ST Facade Technology, which is a design and construction company specializing in the integrated, multi-disciplinary design of advanced architectural envelopes, lightweight structures and transparent building skins. In practice, Velko Group was responsible for, with support from its supplier network, engineering, manufacturing and assembling the 3D façade using a combination of a “cellular” system and a more traditional “transom & mullion” approach. ST Facade Technology took on the creation of the glass parapets, the fall protection systems necessary for building maintenance and the external suspended ceilings made of thin, reflective stainless-steel sheets.

This is simply the latest example of ST Facade Technology and Velko Group being involved in a cutting-edge building project. And this time, it has the added bonus of an impressive view of Petrovsky Park, Khodynskoye Field and, in the distance, the Moscow skyline.


Pionerskaya str., 4 - RU -141070 Korolev
Tel. +7 (495) 513 54 70 / (495) 513 42 54 / (495) 513 44 73
Email: [email protected] -


​Via Massimo d’Antona, 16 - I -10040 Fraz. Pasta di Rivalta (TO)
Tel. +39 011 9032594
Email: [email protected] -

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