GWG Wohnungsgesellschaft Headquarters
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GWG Wohnungsgesellschaft Headquarters

Custom Furniture and Project Management

Getto Innenarchitektur

By Redazione The Plan -

Recent changes in how people and companies operate have driven a parallel development in how work environments are designed. Spaces are conceived with greater flexibility in mind so they can respond to specific, changing needs, and greater importance has been given to providing spaces for breaks and informal conversations or discussions. At the same time a need for quieter, more private spaces has emerged, perhaps for a confidential conversation or an important phone call. 
The new premises for GWG Wohnungsgesellschaft Reutlingen, designed by Getto Innenarchitektur, is an excellent example of a design starting from the needs of the future users, focusing on their 
wellbeing and the quality of the time they spent in this work environment. 
Wood is the dominant element, used extensively for the floors as well as for wall and ceiling cladding to add a real sense of warmth with numerous custom-designed solutions. This also adds unity to the entire building, starting from the reception area, through the corridors, the auditorium, the meeting rooms and the traditional offices right up to new-style areas for relaxing and eating lunch. Zitturi oversaw the creation of these interiors in its role as the general contractor, designing and supplying the furnishings and furniture, while also overseeing the work of various other firms involved in the project. This role of working with both designers and clients is a cornerstone of how Zitturi operates. 
It thrives on interpreting a customer’s needs and then plays a proactive role to find suitable solutions for those key elements that ultimately determine the success of a project. This all adds up to tangible added value that clients thoroughly appreciate. 
Zitturi’s technical expertise is used hand-in-hand with the company’s ability to organize and manage a building site to ensure on-time delivery that meets the client’s express brief.

Gisse 55 - I - 39030 S. Giovanni in Valle Aurina (BZ)
Tel. +39 0474 671417
E-mail: [email protected]

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