cube berlin
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cube berlin

A Glass Sculpture at Europacity


By Redazione The Plan -

Europacity is a central district of Berlin and it is home to Washington Platz, the setting for cube berlin office block, a sculptural construction highlighted by multifaceted, reflecting sides. The building, developed by CA Immo and designed by 3XN Architects, has a dynamic relationship with the surrounding environment through a fully glazed double-skin façade that epitomizes the design concept in which demanding structural and energy efficiency requirements are central. The use of reflective elevations serves a dual purpose, providing abundant natural light for the users inside the complex, but simultaneously reflecting the surrounding square to create an ever-changing picture as people walk around, the weather changes and the sun slowly moves across the sky. 
Guardian Glass provided the glass used to build the stepped thermal façade that wraps the building in a triangular pattern in which the access points are created via a set of articulated tent-like openings in the outer skin on all four sides. 
Energy efficiency is the cornerstone of the environmental sustainability of this block, focusing on cutting consumption compared to a more traditional structure. In this, the double-skin ventilated façade clearly does the lion’s share of the work by letting in light during the day, helping to protect against excessive heat buildup and allowing natural ventilation. The structural design required 
in-depth analysis and planning that ultimately led to the addition of an intermediate structural layer in the composition of the glass that is compatible with the plastic interlayer for heat absorption. This solution bolsters the stability of the edges, reduces the risk of delamination and minimizes any yellowing over time. 

Guardian Glass 
19 rue du Puits Romain - L - 8070 Bertrange
Tel. +352 281111
E-mail: [email protected]

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