CBD Towers
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CBD Towers

Urban Systems Office

CBD Towers
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This innovative design for a large mixed-use commercial project is conceived using specially developed digital tools, aimed at creating a unique three-dimensional architectural landscape that stimulates the overlap and synergy between different activities or user groups in the building.
The building features offices, hotel and serviced apartments, served by restaurants, conference facilities, health and fitness centre and retail. These are housed in one 225 meter and one 138 meter tall tower, connected by a bridge and podium that accommodates shared functions.
The design methodology builds upon specialised research developed within the office, using refined digital tools responding to site opportunities such as sun exposure, views and proximity to programs in the direct surrounding area. The process creates a range of varied and flexible spaces that accommodate shared programs or add value to the core programs of the project, in the form of atrium spaces, balconies and wintergardens. Its formal language is guided by a standardised family of building components, resulting in a 'pixelated' architectural language that can be easily constructed using commonly used local building techniques. The building is wrapped in a uniform glass envelope that shields the programmatically complex architecture in an economical way.
The project is developed up to a detailed design stage using an advanced digital design workflow, connecting our digital design process (in RHINO / Grasshopper) directly to the Building Information Modeling (BIM) software used for communicating with collaborators and producing drawing sets. The process allowed for the integration of detailed environmental performance goals as well as specific structural design data developed in collaboration with NOUS Engineering (London/LA) and Buro Happold in Beijing. An evolutionary structural optimization model was built to generate structural solutions within budget and design constraints. The assymetrical design was evaluated under specific requirements such as seismic events and wind loads, and adjusted in an automated iterative process that tested different colum sizes and organisations. The final design demonstrates a carefully balanced range of constructable yet unique architectural spaces that add value to the offices, hotel and podium areas, allowing for flexibility in the use of the building over time.
Generative Design Strategy - A spring model with weighted relationships was used to visualise and simulate possible solutions for the 3D configurations of the programs. For each program, the requirements for proximity to other programs, or specific areas within the site, are mapped. The dynamic simulation engine was used to calculate the final solution for the clustering and locating of all specific programs in 3D space. A simple version of the diagram was used to calibrate the model, and a more detailed version was used to plan the programs with the right proportions and amounts.
The digitally generated solution highlighted the opportunity to create a skybridge between the two towers, adding exclusive and shared programs at a strategic location. The skybridge will also contain several facilities for exclusive use of tenants and their guests.
Generative Model: The In-Between Space - The balcony spaces in -between the double skin of the building in the office tower are designed to accommodate a series of unique work and leisure activities which complement a wide range of different company and user types. Variations are based on size and type of company, cost of unit per square meter, balcony size, sun condition, and viewing opportunity.
The floor layout of the towers are designed according to the views from the building to its surroundings. Floor areas with better views are subdivided less, to house larger offices and hotel room / apartment spaces. The towers balconies and meeting spaces are added and adjusted according to a sunlight exposure analysis. They increase in size when they receive more light.

Urban Systems Office LLP -Urban Systems is a London-based architectural design office led by Jeroen van Ameijde and Brendon Carlin. The office employs digitally enabled design and construction techniques to deliver architectural, innovative urban and infrastructural solutions.
Applicable to a wide range of project scales and sites, this methodology allows for the generation of highly adapted and site specific outcomes, producing informed design solutions that contribute to the sustainability and vibrancy of our complex urban ecologies.
Urban Systems has since its launch in 2012 delivered several complex design projects, including a 5,500,000 m2 masterplan for the extension of Changyuan (Henan, China), a 400,000 m2 retail and leisure complex, and several mixed-use and residential projects.
The office has collaborated with several leading consultants including ARUP, Buro Happold, Bollinger+Grohmann and is currently working on an office tower for the Bank of China, a science museum and medical university building

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