The Innsbruck Bundesstrasse Business Centre, a new commercial building in Salzburg, occupies a strategic position on an important road-link between the airport and the city.
Architect Jürgen Matzer went for an immediately recognizable, dynamic, eye-catching shape and colour. Standing as it would alongside a busy highway made it a priority to find a long-wearing, stain-resistant aesthetic cladding. He chose a metal Prefa sheath made of large rectangular scales of pre-painted Mayagold Falzonal aluminium. The slanting pattern with the top corners slightly offset helped the join seaming and achieved the architect’s effect of dynamism. Pre-painted Falzonal is a semi-manufactured strip aluminium where the alloy, hardness and paintwork are specifically designed to suit the seaming technique. It is used for waterproofing roofs and façades, rear-ventilated or otherwise, with and without insulation, or as part of complex architectural façade solutions. It comes in numerous surface finishes: Uni and metallic colours, mimicking copper, zinc and titanium.
Falzonal juxtaposes well with wood, glass or steel and is a versatile, easy-to-work-with medium.
Prefa AluminiumprodukteWerkstraße, 1
A - 3182 Marktl/Lilienfeld
Tel. +43 2762 502-0
Fax. +43 2762 502-874
[email protected] www.prefarch.comPrefa Via Negrelli, 23
I - 39100 Bolzano (BZ)
Tel. +39 0471 068680
Fax +39 0471 068690
[email protected]www.prefarch.comwww.prefa.itdistribuito in esclusiva in Italia da Alpewa