Ben Adams Architects - Griro Depot revitalises a disused industrial site with a functional mix
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Griro Depot revitalises a disused industrial site with a functional mix

Ben Adams Architects

Urban Planning  /  Future
Ben Adams Architects

Griro Depot, Bucharest, is a rich mix of workspace, entertainment, retail, residential, hospitality and public spaces designed to revitalise a disused industrial site in the city centre. The masterplan designed by Ben Adams Architects seamlessly weaves modern buildings into these old buildings and spaces to create a distinctive new city neighbourhood destination. Approached via the Grivita metro station at the Southeast corner of the site the existing buildings are vast and striking structures, full of natural daylight and robust industrial character. Stripped back to their structural frames, these retained structures are used to create active urban spaces. Two new office towers are positioned at the ends of the site as landmarks and wayfinding methods. Between these two towers office space and retail uses open up onto public squares. Key factory buildings have their cladding and roofs removed with the structure retained. This retained structure is used to create remarkable parks and places of activity. A new urban path weaves through the upper levels of the site, connecting roofs that house tennis courts, ice rinks, and food markets. This new path weaves through a new ‘Ground Level’ on top of the existing warehouses. It gives access to the office and residential buildings that line this new public space by connecting existing roof spaces with tennis courts, ice rinks, food markets and pedestrian promenades. An entertainment complex is housed at the Northwest end of the site, acting as an anchor to draw residents and visitors through the retail spaces of the ground floor warehouses through to a music venue and landscaped gardens beyond. Buildings open up in the summer, to reveal outdoor amphitheatres and impromptu stage spaces. Two new landmark office towers are positioned at the ends of the site helping delineate its boundaries and acting as wayfinders within the complex and beacons for the wider city. Between the towers a whole range of office, retail, hospitality and leisure uses open up to public squares and covered spaces. Parking is intelligently managed over a 24-hour cycle, with office workers by day giving way to those visiting bars and entertainment venues in the evening. All vehicle traffic is pushed out to a new perimeter road allowing the heart of the project to remain pleasantly car free for families, flaneurs and cyclists alike.


 370000 mq
 Ben Adams Architects
 ARUP, Cundall, Cumming
 Ben Adams Architects


At Ben Adams Architects we create buildings that both inspire and delight across a variety of sectors ranging from £1 million to £500 million.
Our practice was founded in 2010 and quickly established a reputation for delivering high quality, flexible buildings that support our clients’ ambitions. Our work demonstrates architectural and commercial consistency, yet our projects are individually distinctive and the result of bespoke thinking rather than formulaic solutions.
We combine a rational process of design driven by brief, costs and contextual analysis. A strong instinct for the ‘right’ design response, cumulatively developed on each and every project, is essential in creating buildings that both inspire and delight.
We want our buildings to contribute to the creation of sustainable neighbourhoods, providing homes which respond to a variety of needs and agendas with ingenious and vibrant space making and sculpting of light.


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