MIGUEL DE LA TORRE mta+v - Real de Los Reyes, preserving a colonial and bohemian style
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Real de Los Reyes, preserving a colonial and bohemian style


House  /  Completed

Real de los Reyes is a group of 13 houses located in the Coyoacan borough, south Mexico City, where museums, craft markets and public spaces full of history stand out, preserving a colonial and bohemian style. The area is full of recreational places for everyday life, from outdoor cafes, restaurants, art galleries, ice cream parlors to tree-lined and cobblestone streets. It gives you the feeling of traveling back in time in an environment of history, culture and tradition, without losing services such as shopping centers, schools, gyms and restaurants. Real de los Reyes offers luxury and comfort for its inhabitants through its large areas, security system, architectural finishes and distribution of spaces. This allows it to get adapted to different lifestyles, whether living in family or individual. The spaces of the houses are designed to be versatile for daily life, meetings or rest, it offers the possibility of customizing the finishes according to the preferences and needs of its inhabitants. It has 13 houses, from 320 m2, distributed in 3 levels, each with ample parking, roof garden and patio. The design of the façade of the complex seeks to be unique in the area, without compromising the environment and its essence. It is made of orange pigmented concrete, which gives the appearance of passing time in a subtle way and according to the space where it is located. Its lattice with circular perforations gives a feeling of lightness to the façade and allows a certain connection with the outside in a discreet way. The characteristic color of the construction makes it a focus of attention when passing through the area, being a hallmark of its identity and culture. The structure is a foundation slab base and the intermediate slabs consist of a coffered slab and red reinforced concrete load-bearing walls, specially tinted for this project. Real de los Reyes used an artisanal construction system that used to be typical from Mexico. This system is not only traditional but uses also a low-maintained material, faster to build with appealing aesthetics. The building was designed in a modular way based on the complete construction and structure of orange-tinted concrete, natural lighting and cross ventilation were resolved by connecting each space of each house, there are open spaces (patios) so the lighting design is simple, but sufficient for the level of comfort required.


 2500 mq
 Miguel de la Torre
 Miguel de la Torre
 Grupo Navel
 Jaime Navarro


Miguel de la Torre is a Mexican architect known for his designs based on textures, materials
and neutrality in the application of color palettes, which achieve an adequate balance and
shape the spaces.
Miguel de la Torre studied architecture for a deep love for art, music, painting, drawing,
assembling and researching at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City. His activities
as a student were quickly combined with his activities as a professional since he joined the
working world since the second semester of the career. His natural restlessness and ease to
integrate and get integrated into different teams have given him the opportunity to work
in partnership with important architecture and interior design firms. Miguel de la Torre has
been working passionately and living architecture with many achievements for 25 years and
is currently dedicated to teaming up with clients who share his honesty and passion for


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