Sasaki - Lakeview Village: health and wellness offered by a network of green open spaces
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Lakeview Village: health and wellness offered by a network of green open spaces


Urban Planning  /  Future
Lakeview Village, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Lakeview is a transformation of a 177-acre brownfield site, formerly a coal-fired generating plant at the edge of Lake Ontario, into an integrated district that provides 20,000 people with housing and 9,000 people with jobs, retail and recreation in a compact, human-scaled community located close to rail transit. This will create a roadmap for regeneration, supporting the reduction of vehicle dependency and increase of local vibrancy.
A foundational value principle of the design is that the waterfront belongs to everyone. The site has long been a missing link in the City of Mississauga’s public open space and connectivity. The Lakeview vision, centered on the public realm, provides safe and well-connected networks for all modes of transportation (walking, bike, transit), ensuring an equity of access for the surrounding community.
The network of green open spaces offers an invaluable resource for health and wellness. The new Lakefront Park includes a waterfront trail for walkers, runners and cyclists on Lake Ontario that extends throughout the site and beyond to the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail, continuing west of the site to the Lakefront Promenade Park and east of the site to the Conservation Area. The Lakefront Park plan includes a kayak center, a cultural center and outdoor amphitheater, a market, and the breakwater jetty. The Waterfront Trail offers link to several other parks within Lakeview Village, including Ogden Park, the central north-south axis, as well as Waterway Common, and a restored Serson Creek.
The plan demonstrates the Lakefront Village commitment to a healthy lifestyle and optimizes use of the invaluable natural resource of the lake, both for Lakeview residents, businesses and for visitors from throughout Mississauga and the Toronto region.
Lakeview Village incorporates density and a mix of uses to create a vibrant, robust urban district. The building sizes and scales are a mix of typologies to attract residents from a range of incomes, and a variety of businesses including offices, retail and restaurants. The residential blocks include a variety of housing types and scales, including townhouses, apartments, and high-rise towers with striking views of the lake. The intensive public open space network and mix of uses provides the synergy for thriving economic vitality.
The Lakeview design incorporates passive and active strategies to reduce energy. A District Energy Plant will generate energy utilizing wastewater heat recovery and is a central feature of the Lakeview Sustainability Center, displaying the innovative technology as an educational exhibit, learning and event center for residents and visitors.
The Sustainability Implementation Plan for Lakeview Village aims to reduce district GHG emissions from operational and embodied carbon in a number of ways besides renewable District Energy. High performance building envelopes and systems, responsible building materials choices, and the investment in landscape restoration as a carbon sink to help offset the impact of the new construction.
The landscape restoration as a carbon sink is also an important factor: restoring this site from a denuded coal-fired power plant to a lush network of parks with indigenous and drought-tolerant species. This transformation will help soil recovery, plants to flourish, offset the carbon emissions, as well as offering an invaluable ecological and recreational resource for the city.
Lakeview Village is significant through its contribution to progressive goals of increasing density within the urban growth boundary, and for the provision of much-needed housing near jobs and transit. Lakeview is a template for attainable and desirable densification leveraging existing infrastructure, improving quality-of-life (through reduced commutes and creation of a strong sense of community), and utilizing innovative environmental strategies such as synergized site-wide systems, a holistic approach to storm-water management and integration into a regional lakefront park and bike system.


 Lakeview Community Partners Limited
 716294 mq
 Sasaki, Glen Schnarr & Associates, Inc. NAK Design Strategies, Gerrard Design, Lux9, Spanier Group, The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd., Urbantech, Cicada
 Sasaki, Cicada, LCPL


Sasaki comprises architecture, planning, urban design, landscape architecture, graphic design, interior design, and civil engineering, as well as strategic planning and software development. Among these disciplines, we collaborate in equilibrium, and each is recognized nationally and internationally for design excellence. On our teams, practitioners from diverse backgrounds come together to create unique, contextual, enduring solutions. Our integrated approach yields rich ideas, surprising insights, unique partnerships, and a broad range of resources for our clients. This approach enables us to work seamlessly and successfully from planning to implementation. While our disciplines offer depth of expertise, our studio structure engenders breadth, innovation, and interdisciplinary collaboration. From our headquarters in metro Boston, USA, and with an office in Shanghai, we work in a variety of settings—locally, nationally, and globally.

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© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054