D+D Group / Tommaso Zanini - Champion Premium Store, a new store format in Milan
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Champion Premium Store, a new store format in Milan

D+D Group / Tommaso Zanini

Retail  /  Completed
D+D Group / Tommaso Zanini
Champion’s premium store concept aims to launch the premium line of the historic US brand born in 1919.
It targets as customers Generation Y and Millenials.
Champion’s request was to create a strong relationship between the targets and the brand. This request expresses itself in the store format in many ways: under the architectonical point of view through the strong connection with the urban environment of the city; under the image and product display point of view with graphics and a communication system inspired by social media world. Another element to strengthen the relationship between the brand and its target is the use of digital technologies and e-commerce, which is now being developed, applied to the phisical store, such as click&collect service and collect&delivery service, that allows the client to try clothes, buy them and have them delivered home.
Premium store’s wall/fixture system is based on a continuous element characterized by a curved line on which garment is organized and displayed. This particular fixture system can fit different store plans by creating spaces that are always varying but at the same time strongly recognizable and replicable.
The format of Premium Stores is based on two founding elements: communication and garment display. The communication focus is localized centrally on the fixture wall and narrates the brand’s history with dedicated visuals. Graphics are alternated with monitors that show marketing campaigns videos. Garment is displayed on the lower fascia of the fixtures, with a flexible system that allows both side and front facing display, granting both visibility and capacity.
The materials used for the store are recycled and recyclable. Aluminium from the recycling of panels in the aeronautical industry is the raw background for displayed product; black mirror steel provides the background for communication and is totally recyclable. The asphalt-inspired resin floor is connected directly to the image of the urban street.
Milano Premium Flagship store opened on the 5th September 2019 in via Cordusio, as the first Champion Premium store in Italy. Milan’s store is the latest opening after the store of London Soho (2016) and Amsterdam (2017) all designed and site managed by the firm d+d group.
Compared to European stores, the Milan store has introduced a new element that simultaneously characterizes both interior space and windows: a lit "exoskeleton" enveloping the wall/fixture system.
This light scenography obtained by reproducing, transforming and repeating RGB colors allows to either highlight the corporate brand colors and/or strengthen communication in marketing campaigns associated with the garment displayed on the street through windows.
While granting with light a very characterizing aspect to the sales area, the shape of the curving light lines, spaced only 50 cm one another, creates a diaphanous dynamic false ceiling that filters and mitigates the visibility of the MEP systems that are therefore hidden above it.


 150 mq
 Arch. Tommaso Zanini
 d+d Group
 PentaSystem - 4BI - Pard Group - Design arredo - Alderighi impianti - Salso impianti


d+d group was born in 2009 when architects Anna Faccioli and Tommaso Zanini joined together.
The “d” letters in the name stand for design and development, terms which define the identity of the architectural firm: detailed design takes to an efficient construction.
The office is dedicated to housing and retail design and proposes itself as a specialized subject for clients that operate in the retail area and for private people who want a custom-made home.
Experience gained through years of practice allows us to embrace projects at all stages of design, from concept to site management.
Our projects, while maintaining as main objective the client’s needs, are aimed towards eco-friendly design and to reduce as much as possible the environmental impact.


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