Ernst Giselbrecht + Partner zt gmbh
University Clinic Graz - Department of Dental Medicine and Oral Health
Situation in terms of urban development:
The overall historical ensemble of Graz General Hospital (Landeskrankenhaus Graz, LKH) is an outstanding example of hospital architecture from the beginning of the twentieth century.
The complex of buildings that make up the new Department of Dental Medicine is a bridgehead and link between the existing LKH site and the new Campus Med-Uni-Graz and therefore plays a special role with regard to the architectural design and structure of the overall site in terms of urban development.
The new complex not only links up with the historically evolved clinical LKH ensemble but also acts as a nexus from the point of view of urban development. For this reason, an urban square has been created in the area in front of the new Department of Dental Medicine, with a public link between the tram terminus and the footbridge above the logistics tunnel leading to the LKH site. This enables a barrier-free connection between the LKH site and public transport not only in the entrance building but also in the area of the Department of Dental Medicine.
The new entrance area of the Department of Dental Medicine is clearly formulated in terms of architecture and in clear view not only from the tram stop but also from the newly planned vertical access structure adjoining the LKH site.
Architectural and functional solution:
The conception of building phase 1 (basement-first floor) is a clearly structured building facing south-east and north-west. The light wells ensure optimised natural lighting and ventilation for all areas.
The clear-cut structure of the building ensures optimal orientation for all users, encouraged and increased by the fact that all corridors and public areas afford views of the outside and the forecourt. This natural lighting and ventilation for all access zones creates a special quality for patients and staff - these design factors are increasingly coming to be seen as a key quality in hospital architecture.
Building phase 2 (second floor–fourth floor) is realised as a separate structure facing the valley, thus fulfilling the demand for a flow of fresh air in the Stiftingtal area.
The new Department of Dental Medicine demonstrates the expertise and quality of medical care with the aid of architectural devices. Acting as a bridgehead, it symbolises a continuation of the architectural quality already exemplified by the historical buildings.
Ernst Giselbrecht+Partner Architektur ZT GmbH
(Translation: Y´Plus)
KAGes Stmk. Krankenanstalten GmbH
9700 mq
Ernst Giselbrecht + Partner zt gmbh
Project manager: DI René Traby / Collaborators: DI Bernhard Scherr, DI David Scheibner, DI Mirela Seva, DI Christina Giselbrecht, DI Christoph Wagner, DI Johannes Kerschner, DI Maria Schirgi, Johanna Grill
Heinz Pachernegg, Graz / Paul Ott, Graz
1972-1979 Studied architecture at Graz Technical University
Since 1985 Office in Graz
2004 Founding of Ernst Giselbrecht + Partner Architektur ZT GmbH
Teaching Activities: 1990 Design Program Technical University Stuttgart, Germany / 1995 International Summerworkshop "VACANZ", Bezau, Austria / 1996 Visiting Lecturer at the Universities of Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA and Waterloo, Canada / 1996 Lecture and design seminar at the International Summerschool Florence, Sesto Fiorentino, Italy / 2000 Lecture and seminar at University Federico II, Naples, Italy
Other professional activities: 1980-1990 Head of architecture Forum Stadtpark Graz / 1982 Invitation to Paris Biennale "La Modernité ou l'Esprit du Temps" / 1984 Manager of the exhibition "13 Standpunkte Grazer Schule" / 1999-2001 President of the House of Architecture Graz / 2001 Member of the UIA jury competition, Ostrava / 2002-2007 Head of the main Board of the House of Architecture Graz