Superform - Kindergarten Cerkvenjak - "Path of learning"
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  4. Kindergarten Cerkvenjak - "Path of learning"

Kindergarten Cerkvenjak - "Path of learning"


Education  /  Completed
The proposed kindergarten is in the village of Cerkvenjak, which is located in the centre of the Slovenske Gorice region, eastern part of Slovenia. The proposed kindergarten is inseparably connected with the natural surroundings of the trees and playground equipment. The concept of the kindergarten is similar to its local surrounding with the rhythmic string of volumes and roofs.
Because of this, the kindergarten does not surpass the scale of an individual house and gives to the user – a child, a sense of home. The kindergarten offers rich experience to children. In this way the kindergarten is closer to the tscale of the child.
The proposed kindergarten design originated from an famous existing learning path of Klopotec, which runs nearby. The kindergarten is a new program and function that upgrades the existing learning path; it becomes s a new branch of the Klopotec learning path. The result of using the principle of a learning path is a unique division and rhythm of the playrooms. The six individually articulated units are organized along an central hallway. Five of the units are playrooms. The sixth accomodates administratives offices. Central hallway connects yard on one side and green garden on other side of the object. Central hallway is not just comunication but also multifunctional space for different activities and events: playings, concerts, recreation, meetings, theater, cinema. Central hallway is used also for other the public activity connected with the local people from the village. Each playroom has natural light from three sides and its own terrace with roof. Between playroom and terrace is big glass wall with terrace exit. Beetween playrooms there are atriums with different type of program: vegetable garden, bird garden, garden with water, garden of stones, garden of trees.
Construction of the building consists of reinforced concrete slab, brick walls and timber roof construction. Roofs above the terraces are supported by tilted timber columns. The concept of the building enable natural light to all playrooms. Roof lightshafts provide natural lights for the central hallway.
The facade is sheated in large size fiber cement panneling. The facade provide uniterrupted rear ventilation. The unique design of the gaps between the panels present the slihuettes of flying birds. The fifth fasade (the roof) is also covered in large size fiber cement panneling.


 Municipality Cerkvenjak
 840 mq
 Marjan Poboljšaj, Anton Žižek, Meta Žebre, Špela Gliha, Boris Janje
 Miran Kambič, Luka Kaše, Robert Kocuvan


Superform is an architecture firm from Slovenia, founded by Marjan Poboljšaj and Anton Žižek in 2001. It is successfully active in the field of architecture, interior, design and urban planning.

Superform has designed the Complex of the Bussiness and production facility Typhoon in Planina pri Sevnici in Slovenia. It has designed and participated of the construction of the Assembly and storage facility Typhoon and Bussiness and production facility Podkriznik in Nazarje. Superform has participated in the design and construction of Kindergarten in Cerkvenjak. It has designed the idea proposal for the School of Management IEDC Bled, Spa-tourist destination in Gorenja vas, Tourist Centre and health Holistic Centre in Slovenj Gradec, Public Square in Šentjur. Superform has created design for more than 20 individual villas.

Superform is owner of some international arhcitectural awards: Architizer Award, Plečnik medal nomination, Golden Pencil Award and Piranesi Award nomination.

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© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054