The project was born from the necessity of collecting in one campus students of medicine and surgery actually divided into two academic centres, one in the middle of the city and the other one in the suburbs (in Orbassano). From the direct experience of my sister and some friends, who are studying in the two different locations, several issues have been identified. Starting from them the main features of the project have been developed. The most relevant problems are the distance and the lack of connection with public transports of the centre in the suburbs to the city, the lack of adequate classrooms disrespect to the number of students in both campus, the need of a welcoming place that can be attended round the clock, guaranteeing to everyone specific areas for studying and green spaces to make "green" the structure.
After the analysis of the needs and the problems it has been identified the lot. It is an old industrial complex almost entirely abandoned. It is included within Corso Dante, Via Egeo and the railway line linking Porta Nuova and Lingotto stations and it has a size of 30,350 m2 about.
In order to riqualify the district this lot seems to be appropriate to become the new medical campus because of its position. It is near to Mauriziano and Molinette hospitals and to the other health science faculties, such as logopedics, biotechnology and physiotherapics. Futhermore it is well linked to the underground and several bus lines directed to the biggest railway station of the city.
The planning of the building was influenced by the presence of an overpass in Corso Dante and of a ten-floors office building, which limit the passage of the light. For this reason the shape of the campus has been designed in order to create a visual and natural light permeability as large as possible, compatibly to the buildings in the neighborhood. Thus it has been created a C-shape with the concavity to the South and a high pentagonal shape placed to the North providing a significant amount of light to the whole complex.
The campus therefore presents a square, renamed “Hippocrates’s oath square”, that becomes an aggregation tool during the evening, through to a structure which projects in the middle of the ground the oath of the founder of medicine. This light coming from this structure has the physical task of illuminating the surroundings and of an emotional space to encourage students to achieve their goal of study. The square, in addition, is equipped with pools with trees in order to shield the glass walls of the building by the sunlight in the most critical hours and to recreate a garden where everyone can rest during a break.
The green theme is one of the keypoints of the project: it is developed with the pools upper mentioned and it is also recalled both in the study rooms on the West side of the complex - "Green study rooms" -, both in the garden roof of the canteen and in the gatehouse, respectively located in the East and in the South sides. The "Green study rooms" are characterized by a glazed roof to receive the natural light as much as possible and they are shielded by the same light – if excessive- by appropriate curtains and reflective glasses.
Going on with the systematic description of the building, it presents a volume with the role of both skylobby and “beating heart” of the entire complex to supply the need to connect the different parts of the campus. For this reason the pentagonal shape tapers upward and rotates slightly on its axis. Its nineteen floors are used as a lobby, classrooms, canteen, teachers' offices, study rooms and rooftop library.
In the entire project there were several different study rooms with the aim of creating adequate spaces for the students: those ones in the main building have the characteristic of being panoramic and close to the library, which is naturally lit by a large central atrium and large windows.
The East side of the campus houses several classrooms and the canteen that overlooks on a panoramic terrace and on which is placed a soccer field with a grandstand for the spectators.
The North side of the complex is composed by the secretariat, classrooms and the auditorium. Therefore there is also a body used exclusively for research with laboratories and offices, deliberately detached from the main complex for security reasons.
Finally in the basement there is a parking area with 97 parking spaces.
Università degli Studi di Torino
30350 mq
Guglielmo Barberi
Guglielmo Barberi
I am Guglielmo Barberi and I graduated in October 2016 in “Building Engineering” at Politecnico in Turin. My master’s dissertation was about the preliminary design of a skyscraper in Turin, with the involvement of innovative architectural features to develop a strong social impact in the topic of green buildings. During the master I worked for several projects, mostly in the architectural, structural, and energetic aspects. The most relevant are: 1) the architectural and structural redesign of the urban area "Scalo Vanchiglia" in Turin (05/2016); 2) the functional, structural, and energetic upgrading of the highschool "I.I.S.Blaise Pascal" in Giaveno- Turin (02/2016); 3) the redevelopment of the former shopping center "Standa" in Settimo Torinese- Turin. The project covered all the areas of design: urban, architectural, structural, energetic, and construction industry (09/2015). About my job experience during 2013 I worked as apprentice on the design of retail parks.