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Hospitality  /  Completed
Project realized in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, for the construction of a building with a multifunctional use. The structure hosts an hotel, a restaurant and a shopping center.
At the time of the monster’s involvement in the project, the structure of Misheel Expo was realized at 70% concerning the structures. The request included to rethink the building, keeping the part already made. Our work has focused on the facade and on the open space, incorporating some structural discontinuities in a new skin that has simplified the overall morphology of the building.In summary, the new facade, mask and conceal the discontinuities of the planned project. The local tradition of placing the stairwells and lifts on the facade perimeter, has been a topic of significant project. The project covers up these staircases, with a curtain plot, which uses four different materials integrating them into a single plan. The materials used are: matte stoneware, matt metal, clear glass and opaque glass used to coat the stairwells and discontinuities of the facade in the original project.
The double pedestal order, different from the plot of the facade, identifies the commercial and signals the character of a building that opens onto an important open space. The top floors have a more fragmented plot that allows you to be valued differently from far and near.From the functional point of view, we have confirmed the expected structure with retail space on the first two floors and a Business Hotel in subsequent plans.The location of Misheel Expo as head building of the exhibition centre in Ulan Baatar, makes a new urban landmark, part of synthesis of exhibition centre, with the task to signal the intent of the Mongolian capital to stand in the great exhibition event flow in the Far East.
In the design the interior spaces were also analyzed , trying to create a comfortable space and usable . There are different types of rooms , from the standard to the suite , as you can see from the render . Also in the design of the spaces we made some assumptions for the common spaces and the style required by the customer . The interior patio is to be a fundamental and defining feature of the entire building.
It is a complex and multi-functional project , which combines various aspects of hospitality . The project also includes a spa and a large dining room , which aim at enhancing the luxurious look of the building .


 Ulaanbatar, Mongolia
 Termigas Mongolia
 17.500 mq
 Barreca&La Varra
 Barreca&La Varra - Termigas
 Termigas Mongolia


Barreca & La Varra opens in 2008 in Milan, founded by Gianandrea Barreca and Giovanni La Varra, who in 1999 founded Boeri Studio with Stefano Boeri. In the last years, their work has become particulary prominent thanks to the participation in competition and public and private assignements for important Italian and foreign companies.Between the project : the riqualification of the external ring of the San Siro Stadium , Milan; social housing in Seregno (MI); the new RCS Mediagroup headquarters in Milan; building 307 Milan-Bicocca for Pirelli RE; “La Villa, centre régionale de la mediterranée” in Marseilles; “Il Bosco Verticale” Hines in Milan, Mischeel Expo in Mongolia. Gianandrea Barreca at Domus Academy and Giovanni La Varra at the Politecnico di Milano and the University of Udine are engaged also in teaching .

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© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054