San Clemente Square
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San Clemente Square

abalo alonso arquitectos

San Clemente Square
Scritto da abalo alonso arquitectos -
source of inspiration is the streets of the historical city center. Our intervention advocates for a continuity where limits are diluted. The public space is treated as a continuum, all in all, diluted limits: in the city. Traditional lights are introduced in part of the square facilitating a dialogue with modernity. Four large supports with low luminaries arrange the center of the square. Accompanied by bright bollards, they mark the contour lines for the terrace area. Small wall lights provide grazing light at the ramp, without touching the edge, again aiming at reducing the presence of the wall. Traditional lights maintain a dialogue with the new lights, a well-known idea in restoration works: coexistence and harmony between new and old materials, or light, as such is the case. Citizens are using the square. Children are playing peacefully and happily. Cars are rarely seen in the area. The outcome of the project has been positive even in adjacent streets, which have been released of the traffic burden. Pedestrian transit along the stairs and ramp has improved. There is a chance to achieve the initial forecast of the local architect: if only we have managed to change the city.
Authors: abalo alonso arquitectos. Elizabeth Abalo, Gonzalo Alonso Collaborates: Carlos Bóveda, Francisco González Varela, Berta Peleteiro, Kiko Mejuto, Jesús Garabal. Salgado e Liñares arquitectos enxeñeiros. Miguel Raposo, ingeniero. Photos: Santos-Díez / Bisimages
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